The National Institute of Medical Herbalists

The National Institute of Medical Herbalists is the UK's leading professional body representing herbal practitioners. The Institute is self-regulating and is run on a voluntary basis. The Institute maintains a register of individual members, sets the profession's educational standards and runs an accreditation system for training establishments, maintains mandatory programmes of professional development, provides codes of conduct, ethics and practise, has a complaints mechanism and disciplinary procedures, requires members to have professional indemnity insurance, represents the profession, patients and the public through participation in external processes such as regulation of the profession and herbal medicine.

The organisation has a long and industrious history. It was first established as the National Association of Medical Herbalists in 1864 by a group of herbalists from the north of England. Today the National Institute of Medical Herbalists has members across the UK and beyond. The Institute promotes the benefits, the efficacy and safe use of herbal medicine. Continuously striving to provide the best patient care through the work of our members we believe the evidence for what we do is clear: the long and safe track record of NIMH practitioners in the practise of a medicine that is as old as mankind.